the fifth one is still in production and so isn't fully completed.
I've decided to publish the scripts here, so anyone who's following the story arc can at least complete it.
The novella itself is full and complete, so no worries there.
I also wrote some 'origin' type short stories, one for each of the characters, which you can also find here.
Earthborn: Comic Scripts
These scripts are presented here as they were originally given to the artists. I've posted them here so my readers can see the complete story, arc, and are in no way public property.Earthborn - Episode Three - Planetfall
Earthborn - Episode Four - Hide and Sneak
Earthborn - Episode Five -
Earthborn: Origins
There's a little extra information here about the characters. The artwork is by an amazing artist called Matteo Galardini.Viki and Dog-knows
The Longest Sleep
Space Warrior
Time and Distance
Yuri and the Rockets